Clinical Education


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Hi everyone! I wanted to talk a little bit about the process for selecting clinicals here at UU. Clinical education is about ⅓ of our curriculum, so it's a big part of our learning process. There are two different routes a student can take to get a clinical. One would be to do site development. As of right now, each student can do up to two site developments. For this, the student can fill out a form and contact the potential site to arrange affiliation. This process can take weeks or months, but is nice because you are able to decide where you want to go. Some of my friends have gone to Denver, Nashville, Cincinnati, and so many other fun places! I hope to create site developments for my clinicals next year. The other way that a student can get a clinical site is through making a wishlist of already existing affiliated clinics. Here at UU, we use a website that has all of our clinical sites listed. On the site, everyone builds a wishlist 1-10, 1 being their top choice and 10 being their last choice. Then once everyone submits their lists, an algorithm works to get each student to as close to the top of their list as possible. Things tend to workout pretty well with this system! This past summer, 50% of my cohort was able to get within their top 3 choices. I was actually able to get my number one choice which was pretty exciting. Most of the clinical sites are located around New York, but there are many clinical sites already established in various other states. The clinical education staff work very hard to get us in places that will give us the most opportunity for success. Since we do have such a small class size at UU, we are able to stay in very close contact with our professors during our clinical experiences. We put our clinical professor’s phone number in our contacts and can send them a message or give them a quick call as we need. This is something I really liked while I was out on clinical because there’s always so much going on and it was nice to know that if I needed something, my professors were only a phone call away, no matter where I was. If there are any questions about this process, please feel free to reach out at 

Goodbye for now, folks☺



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