What a Schedule & Classes are Like in the First Year

Physical Therapy | Utica University

Now that I am well into the spring semester of my first year here in Utica University’s PT program, I can explain a little bit about what a typical day of class / lab looks like. Our course schedule is very busy, but it’s also very organized. Generally we will have a lecture for a course and immediately following that lecture we will have the lab for that same class. I personally really like the way that this is set up because I can immediately use the knowledge that I gained from the lecture and directly apply it in the lab on that same day. This helps me solidify the things that I learned in the classroom by practicing them hands on. 

Another thing that I really like about the way that classes are run here is that the professors are very good at giving breaks. I would say that we don't lecture for more than an hour and a half without a 5 to 10 minute break. During that time we can get up and walk around, eat a snack, fill up our water bottles, and just hang out while we rest our minds for a little bit. I find this to be very helpful in keeping me focused during classes all day long. All of our professors don't have a problem with repeating things if people need it, answering questions during the lecture / lab, and even giving us more frequent breaks if they notice we're getting antsy at our seats.

One last thing that I really like about the way our schedule and classes are run here at UU is we are always made aware of the plan before class starts. Our professors are all very good at sending updates to our email about what information we’re going to cover for the next class, what assignments should be done, and how to prepare prior to going to that class's next session. I am a very big planner and like to be organized, so this really helps me plan out my days and eliminate the stress of not knowing what's coming next in class. 

Feel free to reach out at mmlazore@utica.edu if you have any questions regarding how classes run here at UU and a little more about what our schedule looks like!

Goodbye for now, folks☺



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