Clinical Education: Part 2
Clinicals are a very big part of our education here at UU, so it is important that the sites we choose are in locations and settings that we’d really like to check out for the future! After all, our clinicals could easily turn into a job post-graduation. In my previous post about clinical education, I mentioned the process for site developments and making a site wishlist, but here I want to touch on the different locations we get to go to and when the clinicals occur within the curriculum. Clinical education is split so that it occurs at 3 different times throughout our 3 years. Our first clinical rotation is following the first year, during the summer before our second year. This one is for 6 weeks and is in an outpatient orthopedic setting. This is really our first chance to apply everything we’ve learned and see how it all comes together. Then, our remaining 2 clinicals are during our last year of the program. There’s one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. These on...